With 40% of UK households owning a pet and the number of people privately renting increasing year on year, this is a growing group withing the private rented sector. However, did you know only 7% of landlords will consider allowing pets in their properties?  The Secretary of State recently announced a revision of the Model Tenancy Agreement for shorthold assured tenancies in the private rented sector on 4 January. The revision will make it easier for tenants with pets to find landlords.

Our experience of letting properties to pet owners has been very positive but we are also sensible.  We make sure pets and properties work together and you do not have to accept every animal.  A simple example might be that we would not recommend a large dog lives in an upstairs flat with no garden but maybe a small hamster would work well!

By accepting tenants with pets there are a number of benefits you can realise:

  • Increase demand for your properties
  • Attract long-term, responsible tenants
  • Competitive advantage over many other landlords.

If you would like further information, visit the Dogs Trust ‘Lets with Pets’ website www.letswithpets.org.uk or call the Pace office for more details.

Sara has been with Pace since 2013. Having recently studied for and passed her ARLA exams, she strives to provide excellent customer service and works to the best of her ability at all times.

After spending 7 years with Lloyds banking group specifically working within customer service roles, Sarah has a thorough understanding of what it takes to keep our clients happy!
In her current position, Sara enjoys the variety of property management where every day is different and daily challenges keep her on her toes.

Pace employs over 15 full time staff, plus additional property industry trained associates. Meet the key team members here.